God is just so freaking amazing, isn't He?
Allow me to share with you what happened this morning. (Thank you!)
I was in this room - my home office - this morning for my usual quiet time. For the last I-don't-know-how-many-years, I've read from the same three daily devotional books, reflected on the messages they were conveying and looking up the accompanying Scriptures. I wrote in my gratitude journal, and sat in solitude while looking at a beautiful head shot of Jesus painted by an incredible artist known as Aikaine.
Well, the weird thing about this morning was, it all felt so flat. Boring. Repetitive. I talked to God from my heart and told Him I was so tired of this routine, and said I wanted to really experience Him (again). I confessed that it definitely wasn't Him; it was me.
When I finished my conversation with Him, even though He was radio silent at the time, I wasn't worried because I know He answers prayers, and I knew this one would be one He would be excited to respond to.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. - Matthew 21:22
It didn't take long.
While at the nail salon, suddenly God spoke to me and told me to ask the nail technician if I could pray for her. I'd be lying like a sheet if I didn't admit I didn't want to acknowledge God and His request, because how WEIRD WOULD THAT BE?! LOL
But then I remembered my prayers this morning, so I swallowed my discomfort and obeyed God by asking her this question. She looked up, startled, and said, "Yes, you can pray for my niece and nephew". I continued following the leading of the Holy Spirit, and simply said, "OK, I'm happy to do that." Silence ensued for about a minute, before she looked up at me again and asked what made me ask her such a question. :)
I told her, quite frankly, that God told me to do so. Her response? "I want to cry." Although she didn't come right out and say so, it seemed to me that no one had ever asked if they could pray for her. She then went on to say, "I don't understand God. I go to Mass every Sunday. I say all the prayers. I follow the priest's instructions perfectly. But I don't feel anything and my prayers go unanswered."
She then asked if I was "religious", to which I laughed out loud in abundance. "NO!" I know Jesus, and Jesus knows me, that's "what" I am! :) Before too long, she explained the concerns she had for her niece and nephew, and my heart just swelled up because isn't love just the best thing ever? To have someone to love and be loved by? Romantic love is great, sure, but love is so universal between people and it is what makes life worth living.
After she finished doing my nails, I gently took her hands in mine and prayed not only for her niece and nephew, but for her as well, honoring her for being such a concerned aunt.
Her eyes misted up, as did mine. I gave her a healthy tip and said I looked forward to coming back to find out her niece and nephew are doing.
I'm not sure if I explained Who God is to her very well today, but I hoped instead that I showed her through me, His love for her and her precious relatives.
On my way home, I called my best friend and relayed the story to her. I could tell from the road noise she was driving, so I asked what she was up to. "I'm taking Aiden [her unsaved grandson] out to breakfast." So once again, God was at work because he was able to listen in on our conversation about how incredibly good God is, how He answers prayers, etc., thus making an impression on him. :)
How is God working in your life these days?
