How's your faith and trust in God, these days? Do you (still) believe He will come through for you when you call upon Him for help? To give you the gift of repentance for the sins of idolatry and drunkenness, and take you on your own specific Spirit-led path of healing from your addictions?
There's a story in the book of Mark about a man whose son had been possessed by a demon since childhood. The man brought his son to Jesus, hoping he would be healed. As soon as the boy was in His presence, the demons "immediately threw the boy into convulsions. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth." I can't begin to imagine how frightening this was for this poor father.
Jesus posed a few questions to the man, all of which he answered. But what he said to Jesus next, spoke volumes about his level of faith at the time.
"... But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." (Mark 9:22)
"Jesus said to him, 'If you can?' Everything is possible for the one who believes."
Immediately the father of the boy cried out, "I do believe; help my unbelief." [emphasis mine] (Mark 9:23-24)
Beloved, I have felt just like that father, more times than I can count throughout my 35+ years of following Christ. And while I'm not proud of this inconvenient admission ... I'm not ashamed of it, either. And if this is you today, take comfort in knowing that God loves you/us unconditionally. He knows your heart, and how much you want to please Him.
What God wants from you is a continued personal relationship with you. He wants to hear from you about everything that's bothering you, including even if you're angry with Him or are beginning to doubt His love, mercy, grace and forgiveness available to you.
God sees you where you are, because He promises to never leave us or forsake us. For this reason alone, you have no reason to hide from Him in the darkness of guilt and shame. Get quiet before Him, alone on your knees before Him, and just ... be.
Tell Him your troubles and the emotions you're trying to hide. Confess your sins and shortcomings to Him and invite Him into the darkest corners of your mind and ask Him to show you the next right steps ... and then, take them.
Do what He says, when He says, and before long you'll find yourself walking out of alcohol prison one day at a time.
Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. - Hebrews 12:1-2
Good news! The free 3-day online Sober Summit event is being offered once again in an encore to start the new year off right! Join my and other recovery experts, Jan. 8-10, by registering at the following link:
Should you choose to purchase the All-Access Pass, you'll enjoy lifetime access to all content, as well as numerous free resources offered by many guest speakers. I've written a 21-day mini-devotional book to accompany "Spirit-Led Sobriety" that only purchasers of the All-Access Pass will receive. There is no obligation to purchase the pass - the event IS free, but all interviews will be gone once the event is over for those who don't purchase it. Full disclosure, should you purchase the All-Access Pass, I may receive a nominal commission fee.
Tips for Remaining Sober During the Holidays:
Understand that you can oftentimes decline social invitations if you're feeling a bit wobbly in your journey. It's OK to say 'no'.
When arriving at a social gathering, let the host know you're unable to stay for long, and are happy to see them. If possible, arrive with a drink in hand.
When asked what you'd like to drink, "Thanks, I'll have a sparkling water [Diet Coke, whatever]"!
When asked why you're not drinking [alcohol], you can say you're on prescription medication (which most people are for some reason or another); you're the designated driver; you've got an early morning appointment, or you've actually discovered you feel so much better without alcohol and just don't want any this evening!
If you're attending a function with someone, make sure they're supportive of your alcohol-free goals and will be willing to leave the party if you become too overwhelmed with temptation.
Grab your phone and start following lots of sober people on Instagram (moi included @spiritledsobriety22)! I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the ladies room and scrolled on my phone through Instagram for laughs and encouragement from hundreds of sober people. Just enter "sober" in the search bar and you'll find plenty!
Call or text a sponsor if you're into AA, or another sober friend or anyone you consider a trusted friend to talk to.
Join my private Facebook community, "Spirit-Led Sobriety", at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/879472050408496 and post your need for support and prayer!
Remember your "why". Why you want to quit the booze once and for all.
Play the tape forward! See yourself drinking, feel the buzz, and remember the never-ending 3-am anxiety wake-up calls you'll have to look forward to. The hangxiety, hangovers, headaches, guilt, shame, fear, regret, and so on. Remember the last time you drank, and your promises to "NEVER DRINK AGAIN"!