How well I remember feeling dazed and confused upon waking up from yet another night of binge drinking, years ago. An intense amount of fear, guilt, shame and worst of all - self-loathing - only added to the daily grind that being enslaved to alcohol, would bring.
I was like a child on the merry-go-round, spinning round and round, feeling dizzy and at a loss for words before my Holy God. "What could I POSSIBLY say to Him, that I hadn't said already, like 10-million times? How many more times could I apologize from my heart, and MEAN it? Is He even listening to me, anymore?"
And yet ... and only by His goodness and His grace, would the Holy Spirit remind me of His unlimited mercy and forgiveness. Not because I deserved it, but because I was His child.
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches
of his grace that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding. - Ephesians 1:7
As the days went on and the hangovers began to become fewer and farther between, God would reveal Himself to me much like the sun shining through the fog in this picture. He would encourage me and let me know He IS ALWAYS listening to my cries for help, and although my recovery journey took a long time and many twists and turns, I've learned the whole messy, never-seeming-to-end experience was to become a tremendous gift in disguise.
