More than likely by now you've seen the horrific images on the news regarding the raging fires in Maui, and have read of people jumping into the ocean to escape the flames. This morning I saw an image of people in the water holding onto something as a buoy, although I can't tell what it is. But I can tell you they're literally holding on for dear life, and I don't blame them. I also wonder if they are holding onto a much more reliable anchor, that being Jesus, the anchor of my soul.
During your battles with alcohol and/or other drugs, it's so important to hold onto Jesus as your anchor. In these extremely unsettling and evil times, there is literally NO ONE better to hold onto, trust, believe and follow. The news changes every hour, it seems, and from my perspective it's only getting worse. You certainly can't trust main stream media to give you a full and accurate accounting of current events. We know alcohol and other drugs are not (really) our friends, they are unreliable and 100% destructive to every aspect of our being, lives and those of our families and friends. And as much as we want to, relying on other people to help us is not the best of decisions, because they - like us - are flawed human beings without the infinite wisdom, power and unlimited resources of almighty God.
Hebrews 13:8 tells us that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." You can and should trust Him in and through all things at all times. There's no one more stable, reliable, wise, powerful, protective - AND - His love for you is unconditional. TRULY, unconditional. There is no pit too deep that His arm can reach down and pull you out of.
I know; I'm living proof.
Never will I ever forget the precise moment He delivered me out of alcohol prison, for good. Reflecting back on it right now, it's almost as if I could hear Him declare to the enemy of my soul and yours, "Get back. She is MINE!" And listen, don't take my word for it when I promise you that what He has done for me, He will do for you as long as you cooperate with His plans for your life and follow His leading in a specific path of recovery meant for you and you alone, based on your life, personality, etc. Let's look at what God's Word has to say to back up my claim:
For God does not show favoritism. - Romans 2:11
Will you commit to following God's plan for your life and recovery, even though (like mine) it may not look like everyone else's?